International Meetings And Courses
Virtual Meetings
- European Association for Cancer Research (EACR) Conference Programme is available here.
Past Meetings
- Envira Summer School on Environmental Radioactivity
- The Association for Radiation Research meeting (2021 in Leeds, United Kingdom).
- 5th International Conference on Radioecology and Environmental Radioactivity (June 2021 in Oslo, Norway). Click here for more information.
- 23rd International Conference on Radionuclide Metrology and its Applications, ICRM2020 (May 2021 in Bucharest, Romania).
- The National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) Virtual Webinar Programme is available here.
- American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTR) virtual meeting (October 22nd - November 30th). Click here for more information.
- European Society for Radiation and Oncology (ESTRO) online conference (November 28th - December 1st).
- The European Association for Cancer Research Conference Series will hold events in Italy, Portugal, United Kingdom, Germany and Spain. Click here for more information.
- The American Association for Cancer Research meetings and workshops 2020. www.aacr.org
- 5th International Conference on Radioecology & Environmental Radioactivity (April 2020 in Amsterdam). www.icrer.org
- International Committee for Radionuclide Metrology (ICRM) Low-Level Radioactivity Measurement Techniques Conference (LLRMT -April2020 in Italy)
- 15TH International Congress of International radiation protection association (IRPA 15 – May 2020 in Korea)
. The IRPA Young Generation Network will be hosting events at IRPA15. For more information on the IRPA Young Generation Network click here
- European Radiation Protection Week (ERPW2020 - September 2020 in Portugal)
- 23rd International Committee for Radionuclide Metrology Conference (ICRM2021 – May 2021 in Bucharest, Romania)
- 46th Annual Meeting of the European Radiation Research Society (ERR 2021 in Caen, France)
- 5th International Symposium on the System of Radiological Protection (November 2019 – South Australia) .
- American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO Annual Meeting - October 2018 in 2019 in Georgia, United States.
- International Conference on Environmental Radioactivity (ENVIRA2019- September 2019 in Prague).
- The 16th International Congress of Radiation Research (ICRR2019 - August 2019 in Manchester ).
- 8th EUTERP workshop | Optimising Radiation Protection Training - April 2019 in Qawra (MALTA)
- 5th International Conference on Radioecology & Environmental Radioactivity (April 2020 in Amsterdam).
- American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO Annual Meeting - October 2018 in San Antonio, United States.
- 21st Annual Meeting of the Society for Biological Radiation Research (GBS2018) – September 2018 in Frankfurt, Germany.
- 44th Annual Meeting of the European Radiation Research Society (ERR 2018) - August 2018 in Pecz, Hungary.
- International Radiation Protection Association - June 2018 in The Hague, Netherlands.
- American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting - April 2018 in Chicago, United States.
- TrAnslational Radiobiology Group Trinity (TARGeT) 'Radiobiology Research Workshop' - 2nd March 2018 at St. James's Hospital, Dublin, Ireland.
- American Association for Cancer Research workshop titled, "Targeting Cancer Metabolism to Improve Radiotherapy" - March 2018 in Montana, United States.
- Radiation Research Society - October 2017 in
Cancun, Mexico.
- International Commission On Radiological Protection - October 2017 (ICRP 2017) in
Paris, France.
- International Conference on Radioecology and Environmental Radioactivity - September 2017 (ICRER 2017) in
Berlin, Germany.
- Association for Radiation Research Meeting - June 2017 in Oxford, England.
- International Conference on Education and Training in Radiological Protection (ETRAP) - May 2017 in Valencia, Spain.
- ENVIRA2017 Conference on Radionuclides as Tracers of Environmental Processes - May 2017 in Vilnius, Lithuania.
- International Conference on Radionuclide Metrology and its Applications (ICRM) - May 2017 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO) Congresses and Meeting - May 2017 in Vienna, Austria.
- Co-ordinating Group for Environmental Radioactivity (COGER) Open Meeting - April 2017 in Portsmouth, England.
- European Radiation Dosimetry Group (EURADOS) Annual Meeting - February 2017 in Karlsruhe, Germany.
- International Radiation Protection Association Congress - May 2016 in Cape Town, South Africa.
- International Commission On Radiological Protection 2015 (ICRP 2015) in
Seoul, Korea.
- International Congress of
Radiation Research 2015 (ICRR 2015) in
- European Radiation Dosimetry Group (EURADOS) Annual Meeting - February 2017 in Karlsruhe, Germany.
- Association for Radiation Research Annual Meeting 29th June - July 2nd 2014 University of Sussex UK.
- ERR2014 41st European Radiation Research - ERR 2014 - September 2014, Rhodes, Greece.
next International Conference on Radioecology & Environmental
Radioactivity taking place in Barcelona 7-12 September 2014.