Welcome to the Irish Radiation Research Society

The Irish Radiation Research Society (IRRS) is an all Ireland nonprofit organisation for researchers in the field of ionising and non ionising radiation. The IRRS aims to promote and advance learning and education in the field of radiation protection and radiation research throughout the island of Ireland.

Membership of IRRS is drawn from academic institutions, health research groups and statutory agencies from across Ireland.

Affiliated Societies

The IRRS is affiliated to the International Association for Radiation Research, an independent organization of international societies for radiation research, which organizes the International Congress for Radiation Research.

IRRS 2025 Annual Meeting

Our 2025 annual scientific meeting will take place on the 3rd and 4th of April, in the Imperial Hotel, Dundalk.  This meeting will showcase the diverse radiation research taking place across Ireland, and opportunities for building connections across our scientific community.

Abstract submission for presentation at this meeting is currently open, with a closing date of the 14th of February.

Details on meeting registration and abstract submission are available here.

Past Annual Meetings

Photographs from past annual meetings are available at the following link.